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Royal letter

… This Letter is also intended to express the economic dimension of our concept of authority, by removing all administrative impediments to the emancipation of entrepreneurial freedom as a critical lever for stimulating investment, creating wealth and addressing the problem of unemployment, which is a major source of concern for us and for every Moroccan family. …

Excerpt from the speech of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, on the occasion of the presentation of the Royal Letter to the Prime Minister on the decentralisation of investment management. Royal Palace, Casablanca, Wednesday, January 9, 2002.

Download the full text of the Royal Letter

Law No. 47-18 on reforming Regional Investment Centres and creating Unified Regional Investment Commissions. (Official Gazette No. 6754 of February 21, 2019).

Below are the links to download the full text of Law 47-18 :

The reorganization of the CRI revolves around the creation of two main departments, namely the “Investor Center Department” and the Economic boost and local offering Department.

The Investors Centre is primarily focused on :

Providing guidance as regards the procedures and administrative steps to start businesses

Assisting investors in implementing their projects and obtaining the authorizations and administrative acts required by the legislation and regulations in force

Serving as the secretariat for the Unified Regional Investment Committee by preparing its work and monitoring the implementation of its decisions

Offering advice and assistance to companies, particularly to SMEs and VSEs

Monitoring the operational status of the Region’s investment projects, industrial estates and enterprise zones

Meetings, information sessions, and workshops for the benefit of investors, as well as the animation of spaces dedicated to promoting incentive programs for investment development.

The reorganization of the CRI is centered around the creation of two main departments, namely the “Investor Service Center” department and the “Economic boost and regional offering” department.

The “Economic boost and regional offering” Department is in charge of:

Regional economic watch

Creating databases of potential regional investment opportunities that are likely to materialize as projects, and make them available to investors

Contributing to the implementation of regional investment development, promotion and incentive strategies, in collaboration with the relevant administrations and bodies

Setting up an integrated and attractive investment offering at the regional level

Setting up and implementing plans for promotional and territorial attractiveness

Developing industrial estates and other enterprise zones

Proposing measures to simplify investment-related administrative procedures, and to promote entrepreneurship and investment at the regional level

Territorializing the AfterCare project by collecting SMEs complaints through concrete actions aimed at identifying and resolving specific problems in the region’s flagship sectors

WALI DE LA RÉGION SCE. CONTRÔLE INTERNE DIRECTION DU CRI DIVISION, CONCILIATION DIVISION. DIGITALISATION ET SIMPLIFICATIONSDES PROCÉDURES DIVISION RESSOURCES Sce Conciliation Sce Digitalisation Sce Traitement des réclamations DIVISION FACILITATION ADMINISTRATIVE PRÉPARATION ET SUIVI DES TRAVAUX DE LA CRUI DIVISION RÉCEPTION ET ANALYSE DE PROJETS D'INVESTISSEMENT SPOC (Single point of contact) Sce Simplifcation Sce Ressources Humaines Sce Finances et Marchés Pôle MAISON DE L'INVESTISSEUR Sce. Conseil et information des TPME pour l’accès aux incitations de l’état Sce. Analyse et suivi statistique post-création Sce. Aide à la pérennisation Sce. Gestion des fonds d’investissement Sce Assistance à l'E-création Sce Actes administratifs et Aide à l'obtention des Autorisations Sce Préparation des travaux de la CRUI Sce. Suivi de l'exécution des conventions d'investissement et des décisions de la CRUI (GUICHET UNIQUE) DIVISION ACCOMPAGNEMENT DES INVESTISSEURS Sce Plateforme Accueil et Orientation Chargés dossiers (CD) généralistes: Le CD prend attache avecles interlocuteurs internes du CRI concernés: par la sollicitationvFait aboutir end to end le processus de prise en chargede la demande de l’investisseur POLE IMPULSIONÉCONOMIQUE & OFFRE TERRITORIALE DIVISION VEILLE ET PLANIFCATION STRATÉGIE RÉGIONALE Sce. Contribution à la Planifcation stratégiquerégionale Sce. Veille économique et intelligence territoriale Sce. Promotion et attractivité territoriale DIVISION OFFRE TERRITORIALE ET PROMOTION Sce . Développement de l’offre territoriale intégrée Postes vacants Postes occupés Directrice Mme Nejma El Houda BOUAMAMA 500 nbouamama@rabatinvest.ma 0661847374 Chargée de missions Mme Najoua RAIS 501 nrais@rabatinvest.ma 0664000638 Secrétaire de direction Mme Amal EL KHALLOUFI 502 aelkhalloufi@rabatinvest.ma 0661591752 Chargée de communication Mme Hajar FATARA 504 nrais@rabatinvest.ma 0664000641 Chef de service Contrôle interne Mme Meryem BENCHIGUER 503 mbenchiguer@rabatinvest.ma 0664000623 Chargé Finances et marchés M Ayoub CHICHOU 113 achichou@rabatinvest.ma 0664000596 Chef de division ressources M Hicham EL KEHAL 110 helkehal@rabatinvest.ma 0664000699 Chef de service digitalisation M Ahmed SRHIR 121 a.srhir@rabatinvest.ma 0664000627 Chef de Pôle Maison de l’investisseur M Mounir CHAKIR 200 mchakir@rabatinvest.ma 0660453546 Secrétaire Mme Madiha MARZOUG 201 mmarzoug@rabatinvest.ma 0660192792 Chef de service veille économique et intelligence territoriale Mme Zineb TALBY 311 ztalby@rabatinvest.ma 0664000604 Chef de division veille et planification stratégique régionale par intérim M Mouad BENAMEUR 310 mbenameur@rabatinvest.ma 0664000378 Chargé de Promotion et Attractivité territoriale M Youssef SEMLALI 224 ysemlali@rabatinvest.ma 0664000866 Chef de division promotion et offre territoriale M M’hamed BENMOKHTAR 320 mbenmokhtar@rabatinvest.ma 0664000377 Chargée de veille économique et intelligence territoriale Mme Merieme HMAMI 313 mhmami@rabatinvest.ma 0664000907 Chef de service Conseil et Information des TPME pour l’accès aux incitations de l'état Mme Soukaina ZAANOUN 231 szaanoun@rabatinvest.ma 0664000616 Cadre conseil et information des PME pour l'accès aux incitations de l'état Mme Yasmina KATOF 235 ykatof@rabatinvest.ma 0664000841 Cadre conseil et information des PME pour l'accès aux incitations de l'état Mme Manal MAAFIRI 324 mmaafiri@rabatinvest.ma 0664000908 Chef de de service suivi de l’exécution des conventions d’investissements et des décisions de la CRUI M Mohammed LAKHLOUFI - mlakhloufi@rabatinvest.ma 0664000628 Chef de service Actes administratifs et aide à l’obtention des autorisations Mme Meryem BENYAICHE 216 dbelarbi@rabatinvest.ma 0664000432 Chef de service Assistance à l'E-création Mme Dina BELARBI 215 dbelarbi@rabatinvest.ma 0668822608 Cadre suivi de l'exécution des conventions d'investissement et des décisions de la CRUI Mme Rita BELMAMOUN 323 rbelmamoun@rabatinvest.ma 0664000595 Chargé de projets – EIE M Khalid EL JAAFARI 223 keljaafari@rabatinvest.ma 0661690802 Chargée de projets – SPOC Mme Yassemine SFIRTISS 223 ysfirtiss@rabatinvest.ma 0664000191 Conseiller M Rachid MAAMRI 402 rmaamri@rabatinvest.ma 0664000867


To make service quality a core value of the RSK RIC and to focus the Centre’s activities on strengthening public-investor dialogue in order to solve problems, improve the business climate and increase the attractiveness of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region.